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Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Monday’s Big List of Domains At Auction or Dropping From Around the Internet 12/19/11
A lot of decent names today.  I’m sure you’ve noticed by now I hardly ever put a name on my list newer than 2003.  I think age means a lot, although there are certainly crappy names that the owner renews despite.  I do have...
December 19, 2011, 2:55 am
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Dom Perignon Using .Mobi
Thankfully, because of the precipitous valuation decline for most .mobi domain names, I don’t own a single one of them in my portfolio. It’s surprising to me to see a .mobi advertised, and I was particularly surprised that high end c...
December 18, 2011, 5:02 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Facebook awarded domain in dispute
Company wins dispute over domain name A National Arbitration Forum panelist has awarded Facebook the domain name The domain name was originally registered in 2006 but its whois record was protected by a proxy servic...
December 18, 2011, 2:30 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Sunday’s Big List of Domains at Auction and Dropping Around the Net
Don’t have a lot of time today but figured I’d put a quick list together.  Running late because I had a nice 2 1/2 hour bike ride.   Pushed 240 watt average today for 45 miles which is a nice workout for December.  Now...
December 18, 2011, 2:17 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Recent Acquisitions
I like to share some of my recent acquisitions and welcome your shares as well. Here are some of the domain names I’ve purchased in the last couple of weeks (not including names I’ve already flipped). These were either purchased via aucti...
December 18, 2011, 12:06 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Final Results for the Sedo Dot Co Auction from Friday
The final numbers are in from this past week’s dot co auction and they’re not too bad. As I said earlier we posted two favorites and on our daily picks list.  Either we know our domains or we move the market,&nb...
December 18, 2011, 3:33 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Complete List Of 30 Second Ad Cost For All Primetime TV Shows: A $200,000 Domain Looks Like a Bargain
Each year Ad Age does of a survey of advertisers to see compile a list of the cost of a 30 second ad for all prime time shows on the major networks and below are the prices for this fall. To the average person the prices seem incredible.  To rea...
December 17, 2011, 3:28 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Facebook To Sue Mark Zuckerberg
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. And when Mark Zuckerberg sues you, you change your name to Mark Zuckerberg. At least that’s what one Israeli business man did. Rotem Guez has changed his name to Mark Zuckerberg after Facebook thre...
December 17, 2011, 2:46 pm
The Domains
The Domains Covers The Top 20 Top Domain Name Sales of 2011 just covered the top 20 domain name sales of 2011, based off of information provided by We are excited to make the list at #11 with the sale of for $450,000. Of course inside the industry we all check out DnJ...
December 17, 2011, 12:27 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
FTC asks ICANN to run pilot new TLD launch
FTC says adding just 22 new TLDs would be “aggressive”. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has sent a letter (pdf) to ICANN asking it to significantly curtail its plans for new top level domain names. The FTC believes the mass introduction...
December 17, 2011, 12:16 pm
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